Kia Sephia engine diagram
Kia Sephia engines diagram - Kia Sephia (1995-2001) gasoline engines 1.8 l (112 h.p.) and 1.6 l (101 h.p.)
Kia Sephia gasoline engine diagrams - cylinder block head diagram
1 - a cam shaft front end cover; 2 - a cam shaft; 3 - the hydraulic compensator bar of spacings of valves; 4 - a bolt of fastening of a head of the cylinder block; 5 - a cylinder block head; 6 - a layer pad of a head of the cylinder block; 7 - crackers; 8 - the top spring seat; 9 - a valve spring; 10 - the bottom spring seat; 11 - the valve; 12 - a cap; 13 - a valve guide bush.
Kia Sephia gasoline engine diagrams - front both rear covers of the engine and oil sump diagrams
1 - a clutch pressure disk in gathering; 2 - a clutch plate; 3 - a flywheel; 4 - a plate; 5 - an oil sump; 6 - oil a reception tube with a filter screen; 7 - a cylinder block blank-end cover; 8 - a water pump; 9 - the oil pump; 10 - an oil disperser.
Kia Sephia gasoline engine diagrams - bent shaft, buckets and connecting rods diagrams
1 - a big end cap; 2 - liners of connecting rods; 3 - a connecting rod and the bucket; 4 - piston rings; 5 - a cover of a main bearer of a bent shaft; 6 - a bent shaft; 7 - radical liners; 8 - the cylinder block.