Audi A4 V6 engines diagrams (continuation)
Audi A4 engine diagram - Audi A4 gasoline V6 engine diagrams
Audi A4 V6 engine diagram - chain drive gear of a camshaft of inlet valves
1 - the top right cover of a toothed belt; 2 - the central right cover of a toothed belt; 3 - the top left cover of a toothed belt; 4 - a nut; 5 - a toothed belt blank-end cover; 6 - the hoist; 7 - a bolt; 8 - a cover gasket of a head of cylinders; 9 - a cover of a head of cylinders; 10 - a layer pad; 11 - a cover; 12 - a bracket; 13 - a nut; 14 - a bolt of a head of cylinders; 15 - a head of cylinders; 16 - oil a deflector; 17 - a layer pad of a head of cylinders; 18 - a bent shaft tooth gear; 19 - a tightening plate; 20 - a bolt.
Audi A4 V6 engine diagram - elements of a head of cylinders
1 - a double cover of bearings; 2 - a bolt; 3 - covers of bearings of a cam shaft of outlet valves; 4 - a cam shaft of outlet valves; 5 - a cap; 6 - covers of bearings of a cam shaft of inlet valves; 7 - a cam shaft of outlet valves; 8 - a cam shaft adjuster; 9 - a chain; 10 - a bolt; 11 - a ring gasket; 12 - the valve 1 or 2 for resetting of cam shaft N205 or N208; 13 - a layer pad; 14 - a segment insert; 15 - a hydraulic cam follower; 16 - crackers; 17 - the holder of a valve spring; 18 - a spring; 19 - oil a reflective cap; 20 - a cam follower rod; 21 - a head of cylinders; 22 - valves; 23 - an epiploon; 24 - a cover; 25 - a conical hollow disk; 26 - a bolt; 27 - the gauge of position of a cam shaft; 28 - a bolt; 29 - a guide bush.