Renault engine diagram :: Engine 1,4 l type «C» diagrams
Renault engine diagram - Renault gasoline engine 1,4 l type «C» (Cleon) diagram
1 - the electromagnetic valve of ventilation of a tank; 2 - a bearing part of the right amortisation rack of the chassis; 3 - the cooling fluid pump; 4 - a cover mouth oil-bulk; 5 - the device of injection Bendix with the injection valve; 6 - branch pipes of a supply and fuel recirculation; 7 - hoses of ventilation of the engine; 8 - an ignition coil with the pressure module; 9 - the depression gauge on an intake line; 10 - a tank for a brake liquid; 11 - an expansion chamber; 12 - the electronic controller of injection of fuel and timing control; 13 - a tank for window washers of front and rear glasses; 14 - the generator; 15 - the ignition distributor; 16 - a probe of measurement of level of oil; 17 - an oil pressure sensor; 18 - the engine of the fan of a system cooling; 19 - a clutch cable with a clutch fork; 20 - a gear box; 21 - a rear of a housing of a headlight; 22 - the additional block of the relay.
Renault engine diagram - Renault engine 1,4 l type «C» the rear view (if to look on a driving direction)
1 - an air filter; 2 - a rocker actuator of the gear of a gas distribution; 3 - the valve with a spring; 4 - a pusher bar; 5 - a cam follower; 6 - a cam shaft; 7 - a flywheel; 8 - a connecting rod; 9 - a main bearer; 10 - oil-reception an oil pump branch pipe; 11 - a cylinder liner; 12 - buckets; 13 - an exhaust manifold of the muffler; 14 - an intake manifold; 15 - the carburettor.